Why the Bible? (Part 3)

It has been almost a year since my last post on this subject of "Why the Bible?". So I want to continue with this.


(II Timothy 3:16)

One of the accusations made against the Bible is that it is an old book and out of touch with people today.

But the simple truth is that it is as accurate today and just as applicable to mankind as it was when it was written 2000 years ago. The character of people has not changed: people are still prone to all of the sins and problems that they were long ago. So the Bible is still up to date.

And the fact that the Bible is "profitable" means that it is worthwhile and useful. And that word "profitable" is very fitting as well. When we speak of something being "profitable" we normally think of a business that is making money and growing. Whatever it is doing it is doing it successfully.

In the same way the Bible brings success to those who follow it, who believe it, and who depend on its teachings from day to day. The principles of the Ten Commandments form the basis for civil law and order. Those who follow the instructions found in Proverbs and the Sermon on the Mount find success in both their private and public lives. And in all of this, the matter of the forgiveness of sins provided by Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross, continue to bring peace and hope to all who place their faith in Jesus. And only in Jesus can a person find meaning and satisfaction in life, for Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me" (John 14:6). This, of course, is the real success - the real "profit" of the Bible, available to all people.

Come to Jesus today! Confess your sin and your need of salvation and ask Jesus to be your Savior (see Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8 and Romans 10:9, 10) . I guarantee that you will know that eternal "profit" which God gives to us through His Word, the Bible.